My Wooden High Chair: Treasured Life Moments

Do you remember being little? Although most adults hardly remember themselves before they were two and a half years old, childhood memories are always the brightest. These moments are carefully stored in the hidden corners of our memory and take us back to the times when we saw joy and happiness in almost everything. 


Creating Bonds

My family had a wonderful ritual. Every evening, we all gathered around a big dining table for the family meal. Home-made food smelled tantalizing, but that wasn’t the main thing. It was a sacred time of togetherness, laughter, and love. From the earliest days, I was welcomed into the family fold during mealtimes. While everyone shared stories of the day and dreams for the future, I nestled snugly in my wooden high chair and felt so much love for my family! The true magic of that meal was in the connections made around the table. My presence was cherished, and I was integral to something far more significant than myself – my family. I learned the art of communication, empathy, and belonging from an early age. 



Connection Through Generations

That old wooden high chair has long been too small even for my children, but I am still guided by the values grafted into me during those precious moments shared around the table. As I look back on my journey, I realize that the simple act of being included in family meals had set me on a path full of love and boundless possibilities. So, to all the parents out there, move the high chair with your baby closer to the table and start making emotional memories and strengthening the bonds. 


Memories That Will Last a Lifetime

I cherish the power of my family rituals and their everlasting impact on my life. Every family can create similar magic moments by simply coming together around the table, sharing meals, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. 


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