What Is Curds And Whey?

All You Need to Know About Homemade Whey - SlavicBeauty.net

Dairy products are a unique source of vitamins and minerals for our body from the first hours of our lives. In other words, they are the wellspring of energy. But milk is not the only dairy. Whey certainly is also a dairy product. It is a precious dairy product that was undeservedly forgotten.

The method of obtaining whey is based on natural processes. When milk coagulates under the influence of lactic acid (formed by microorganisms or rennet), at this point, the milk curds separate from the whey. In fact, this is the process of making cheese. Thus, curds are a stage in cheese making, and whey is a by-product of this process. Even if you’ve never made cheese, you’ve still seen the whey. It is a yellowish in color liquid that forms during long-term storage of yogurt or sour cream. Did you think it was something bad?

Why is the whey so useful and good?

Usually, people do not make whey, but something else. However, the whey itself is a beneficial product. It is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins. Indeed, 90% of whey is water, but the remaining 10% contains a considerable amount of nutrients. At the same time, the calorie content is low. It is only 18-27 kilocalories per 100 grams. Besides being high in vitamins, antioxidants, and protein, whey is also rich in lactic acid. This substance is also present in the human body. Imagine that the chemical composition of lactic acid in whey and lactic acid produced by the human body is the same!

How does whey influence the human body?

Therefore, since ancient times, whey has been considered to possess healing power. Even the ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew about its medicinal properties. Hippocrates recommended serum to his patients. They say that Cleopatra’s famous baths contain whey. I don’t know if this is so, but without doubt, the whey will help:

  • improve blood circulation, 
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, 
  • normalize blood pressure, 
  • strengthen immunity, 
  • positively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of chronic pancreatitis, colitis, and gastritis, 
  • improve metabolism and bowel function, 
  • cope with chronic fatigue, prolonged stress, insomnia, 
  • improve the condition of the genitourinary system,
  • strengthen hair follicles and heal the skin.

An absolute contraindication to the use of whey is individual intolerance. In other cases, fresh and high-quality whey will only benefit if consumed in moderation. Never discard the whey, and the knowledge that nothing is missing from your household and goes into good will warm you up.

What is whey used for?

So, use whey when:

  •  cooking and as a starter culture for pickled food
  •  baking
  •  feeding animals
  •  gardening
  •  composting
  •  taking care of your face and body

Or freeze it and use it later. Save the whey! Next time I will reveal to you my secrets how I use it in my everyday life. 


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