Do Low-Fat Dairy Food Help To Stay Healthy? Your Dietary Aide

Do Low-Fat Dairy Foods Help To Stay Healthy? -

They tried to convince us that low-fat and fat-free dairy is a nearly perfect food for a long time. However, the passion for “light” products has turned into a real mania because they are dietary and healthy. This has been in trend for more than half of a century. People can go to the store and buy dairy products labeled «low-fat» or «fat-free.» But are they so beneficial and harmless? In recent years, nutritionists have set the alarm: studies confirm that regular consumption of low-fat foods leads to persistent metabolic disorders. In the pursuit of health, many have embraced low-fat dairy products as a perceived dietary aide. However, recent studies reveal that relying solely on these products might not be the ideal solution for maintaining overall well-being. Does avoiding full-fat dairy products help you to shed those extra pounds?

The main advantage of low-fat foods, according to manufacturers, is their low-calorie content. I guess that weight loss is the main reason the consumption of whole milk, butter, and another high in fat dairy products is going down. But in fact, this is the case. With an insufficient amount of fat, our body begins to “put in reserve” all the lipids that come with food. And this is a direct path to excess weight. In addition, foods containing fats contribute to the body’s satiety – the feeling of hunger after eating does not arise soon. Low in fat food does not do this task, forcing us to eat over and over again.


Why fat-free dairy has flavor and texture as full-fat dairy?


Low-fat foods are good for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes mellitus. It would seem that this is the solution to the problem! But are you aware that the dairy product without fat begins to look unappetizing and smells unpleasant? In addition, its consistency becomes uneven, and its shelf life is shorter. To improve the taste and texture, all kinds of additives come to help the manufacturer. Fat in dairy products “light” is replaced with refined sugar or sweeteners, artificial food additives, various stabilizers, preservatives, and flavorings.


What is the harm of low-fat dairy products?


By tricking our endocrine system, these substances increase the cravings for simple carbohydrates. Constant consumption of low-fat and fat-free dairy increases the risk of diabetes. Our body begins to make up for the deficiencies of certain types of nutrients in the diet. Trying to reduce fat in the diet, people start eating more refined carbohydrates, creating significant health risks. An excess of low-fat dairy products in teenagers’ diets worsens the quality of the skin and stimulates acne.


What is really going on?


Calcium and other vital fat-soluble micronutrients and vitamins from foods with a fat content of less than 1% are hardly absorbed. Thus, dairy products made from skim milk like cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese lose their primary function – a source of nutrients. Furthermore, abuse of fat-free dairy products causes osteoporosis. It has a devastating effect on blood vessels from the body, leaching calcium. Therefore, the maximum duration of the dairy diet is seven days. Thus, we see how whole milk, butter, and eggs have become innocent victims of public misinformation.


What is balanced and healthy eating?


Fats are the main building blocks of the body. They protect cells from mechanical damage. They are also responsible for thermal insulation and maintaining immunity. Add some fat to the low-fat dairy product. If you want to drink milk every day, I recommend adding a little cream to skim milk to increase its fat content. When I have skim milk after raw milk separating, I often make cottage cheese. But do not get carried away with low-fat cottage cheese too. Instead, add a bit of cream, sour cream, or nuts on the top.

Even if you care about weight loss, do not give up full-fat dairy. Just keep track of how much fat you consume. It’s always better to focus on healthy eating over all. The basis of a healthy diet is a balanced selection of foods, which calorie content in most cases plays a secondary role.



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