Milk Types: The Differences between Cow and Goat Milk

The Differences between Cow and Goat Milk -

While most people in the US drink cow’s milk, most people around the world actually drink goat’s milk. While the product is essentially the same in many ways, there are some important differences between them that can help people decide which one is right for them.

What are the Differences?

There are a number of subtle differences, most notably the taste of goat’s milk tends to be a bit stronger, but still mild in comparison to cow’s milk. However, there are some definite differences between the two.

Fat Content

The differences between goat’s milk and cow’s milk when it comes to fat content are not so much the amount, but the actual size of the fat globules. In goat’s milk, the size of the fat is roughly one-fifth that of cow’s milk which makes it much easier to break down and digest. Plus, there are more medium-chain triglycerides in goat’s milk, which means that this type of fat is used more readily than that found in cow’s milk.

Different breeds have different amounts of fat content as well, though that is highly controlled in the selling of milk with 2%, 1%, and skim milk products.

Prebiotic Content

Prebiotics are foods that are non-digestible but encourage the growth of the “good” bacteria in the gut, supporting the digestive system. Goat’s milk has almost five times the number of prebiotic material, known as oligosaccharides than cow’s milk.


There are essentially two types of proteins found in cow’s milk and goat’s milk, whey, and caseins, with the split being roughly 80/20 of caseins to whey proteins. While most of the proteins found in both types of milk are similar, there is a subtle difference in that cow’s milk contains far more “alpha” caseins than goat’s milk. Alpha caseins are noted as being one of the main agents responsible for some people having an allergic reaction to cow’s milk. Goat’s milk on the other hand has more beta caseins.

Cream Separation


One of the most interesting differences between goat and cow milk is that cow’s milk will naturally separate on its own, although a cream separator will do so immediately. However, goat’s milk is naturally homogenized so it will not separate unless a special separator is used. While there are different ways to separate milk in general, a cream separator will do so quickly and easily.

In fact, a cream separator is one of the few ways goat’s milk separation can occur, at least without a lot of work or effort. In how to separate goat’s milk, a cream separator will not only work, it will also do the same for cow’s milk as well. You can choose from a number of Slavic Beauty cream separators that are solid, dependable devices that will last for years under normal use and maintenance. In choosing between goat’s milk and cow’s milk, the differences are generally enough to recommend goat’s milk for many people thanks to the unique protein content. But it must also be stated that cow’s milk has its own advantages as well.


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