Project Self Sufficiency: Rising Popularity of Homesteading

The Rising Popularity of Being Self Sufficient -

With today’s runaway costs of living, more people turn toward the homestead life of self-sufficiency to cut down their bills and get more out of their lives. However, the quest for self-sufficiency does have its challenges.

For those who can purchase their own property, consolidate their expenses and grow their own food, the life of self-sufficiency offers many rewards and freedoms.  Essentially, this means embracing homesteading so that you and your family can enjoy more stability in your lives.


What is Homesteading?


Essentially, to homestead is to live a life of self-sufficiency characterized by growing your own food, preserving the food, and even creating your own clothes and items around your home.

The homesteading movement has been around for centuries. People of many different cultures rejected active participation in the mainstream of society when it came to purchasing goods and services. Instead, they became more self-reliant and focused on creating a system that can sustain them over time. The origins of the termhomesteading go back to the 1852  Homestead Act in the United States. However, other countries used similar terms at the same time. This should not be confused by communities that choose to live in isolation. Instead, it means being self-sufficient in day-to-day living.

Today, there are many ways that people can plan and prepare to take advantage of this particular lifestyle. Once they have the property that is sufficient to grow their food and raise at least one goat or one cow, that’s enough to start. Specific building techniques and solar, wind, or geothermal technology will allow a person to live “off-the-grid.” People may start to enjoy many of the trappings of modern life without paying the month-to-month bills.

A person who chooses a life of self-sufficiency today usually lives in a rural or on the outskirts of a suburban area of the country. They would generally own enough property to grow fruits and vegetables, raise a cow or goat, use renewable energy sources. Many people who choose this lifestyle actually have their own vehicles to get around on their property.

In fact, making use out of the materials that surround you is part of the homestead lifestyle. This practice was used quite a bit in the late 19th through the mid-20th centuries by people who didn’t have the money to purchase what they needed. However, many simple tools and items can be created or reshaped into what is needed for your property.


The Advantages of the Modern-Day Homesteader


There are undoubtedly many advantages to being on your own and avoiding the hustle and bustle of modern-day life. Here are just a few reasons why living in this manner offers significant advantages for you and your family.

Stability: Imagine living in an unaffected world with gas, utilities, and food prices that do not change. That is arguably the major benefit of living this type of lifestyle. The fewer times you have to drive your vehicle, the less the gas prices will affect your life.

Furthermore, the more you can rely on your own resources, the less the outside world will affect your life. Living off the grid, for example, means that you are not subject to changing electricity and utility bills. In fact, the homesteader’s ultimate goal is only to pay property taxes each year.

Less Reliance on Outside Goods and Services: You may not be able to grow and store everything you need. But you can pay less for all of your food by buying any extras when they are priced at their lowest and storing them until needed. For most items such as eggs, you can go to the chicken coop and get eggs anytime you desire.

Living this type of lifestyle does require more planning ahead, but the results will be saving a considerable amount of money over time.

Security: Because you are marginally affected by significant global change, you and your family are less vulnerable in the event of a natural disaster. You have all the food, electricity, and resources you need to live for a long time while others may be struggling. This provides more peace of mind when facing a crisis.

Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about lesser disasters such as losing your job or paycheck. Because now you rely more on non-monetary sources to sustain yourself and the family. Having such kind of security provides you with more freedom to do what you want.


Having Good Dairy Products is Now Within Reach


One of the essential requirements for those who have chosen the homestead life is a fresh milk supply daily. Fortunately, those who have a cow or goat can get milk at any time for their dinner table.

More than just milk itself, having a good cream separator means that you can make fresh cream when you want to create various dishes. A cream separator is one of the many simple yet effective home appliances for this lifestyle. You will need a reliable cream separator that is easy to use and highly durable to work for you day after day.

The homesteading lifestyle offers many personal freedoms and peace of mind for those who want to escape the day-to-day rat race and enjoy a more stable, secure life. It is easier today for those who want to homestead than ever before, knowing how to plan and prepare. Life does pass quickly, and this type of back-to-the-Earth lifestyle offers many rewards.


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